Show 27 + sites like TubeSafari:
Tube Safari! Are you ready for some random hot porn videos? Well, is a site that serves as a search engine that helps perverts find their fetish. Of course, the site is free, and there is a lot to be seen, but at the same time, we all know that these types of sites have their ups and downs. So, I am here to explain everything; you are fucking welcome, my dudes!
The design is quite shitty.
As you will be able to see, is a very, very… very simple site. I understand that search engines do not need anything flashy or whatever, but they could have added some aesthetics here and thee. With so much time I have spent reviewing free porn sites, I sound like a broken record… because 90% of them look like shit.
Of course, in most situations, free porn sites might look like shit, but their overall content is great. This also all depends on the site we are talking about, and what the fuck you are searching for in the first place. But, if you are a cheapskate who loves to watch erotic videos for free, there are many places for you to check online.
So, how does this place work?
Now, how does this place work? Have you ever visited a fucking search engine? Is this your first time on the internet, because if you do not understand how a search engine works, then you might be a special kind of stupid. Or maybe, you are just a Boomer? Then again, so am I, and look at me. I’m a fucking masterpiece created by the pervert Gods.
Let’s not forget about the porn search engines. Basically, TubeSafari is a site that works the same way as Google, but not really. You have a search engine on top, and you can write whatever the fuck you are searching for, and you will get appropriate results. However, none of the results are actually listed on this site.
So, all you really have to do is write your keywords, categories, or whatever you want to see in the top search box, and that is where all your fun begins. Every video that is featured after this, will actually not be from this site, but what does that mean? Well, you can check them all out, but first, you will be redirected to a different site where they are from.
For example, I’ve seen sites from some of the most popular free porn videos, such as PornHub, xHamster, Xvideos, XNXX, and so on. However, I also saw some of the less known porn sites, which was refreshing. Again, I think this all depends on how sensitive you are to the shit you watch, and how picky you are about your fapping content.
Helping you find porn 101
Usually, people wonder why are these porn search engines necessary, and those are often people who do not browse porn as much as me, and you do. If you are a porn veteran, sooner or later, you will run out of great porn content to enjoy, and searching for it by browsing randomly from one site to the other can’t be that fun… especially if your wiener is rock solid.
However, this search engine basically looks through the whole internet or whatnot and finds random videos from random sites. They are not limited to a certain site when you search, and that is what makes this place great. There are so many amazing porn videos for you to check out, and they might be scattered across to sites you’ve never heard about.
If you browse through a search engine, everything will be so much fucking easier for you. There is no need to be limited to certain sites, when you can search through the internet without a care in the world, or whatever. There are loads of porn videos for you to check out, so go fucking wild.
What about the statistics?
Since all the videos will be offered randomly, the quality, length, and all that shit really all depends on the video you watch. For example, one of the videos I checked out was rather low quality… and obviously, my dick was not that pleased. However, there was another video that I checked out after, and it could pass for higher quality.
Keep in mind that the videos here are not supposed to be offered in HD since they are from a free site. It is just the usual stereotype of having lower quality videos from free porn sites, but that does not necessarily always have to be the case, as I already stated… I hope you get the gist since this shit really ain’t rocket science.
Of course, the same applies to the length of the videos… it all depends on the videos. I was happy to see that you had both premium and amateur scenes offered, and of course, they were all free. You can see a lot of popular pornstars in action, and I’ve also seen a lot of kinky amateurs doing what they do best, make my pecker rock solid.
When it comes to the type of content they have to offer, with over 23,723,000 videos, I think it is safe to say that they pretty much cover everything. I checked out their site for quite some time, and I ran into a lot of mainstream, but I also saw a lot of kinky BDSM scenes, and other fetishes. This was rather nice, seeing as how we are all into different shit when it comes to masturbating, and it is nice having options.
Search options could use some work.
Isn’t it a bit ironic that this place is a free porn site meant to help you find the porn that you are looking for… heck, they are even called a search engine, yet their search options suck? The only good search options you are offered are the categories, and they do cover a wide array of these categories. You can check them out if you click on that tab on top of the site.
However, while they do cover all the categories, you can think of, from a wet T-shirt contest to torture or urethrae porn… they do not have anything else. Basically, you are limited just to the certain categories you decide to check out. They could have at least allowed their users to select a couple of categories at once… I mean, with over 23million porn videos, that should be a fucking given.
Of course, personally, I would much rather appreciate it if they offered actual filter search options. The filters can make a lot of difference when searching for the porn that makes your dick hard… since that is where you can actually make certain specifications. I understand that free sites do not have a tendency to do that, but at the same time, this is a search engine porn site… so, what the fuck?
Other than what I have mentioned, there ain’t nothing else for you to look forward to on this site. I’d say that this place is great for those who are not too picky with their fap material. The design is pretty simple; there is a lot of porn and naughty shit in general. Some videos are quite long, while others are short; some are premium others are amateur… and so on.
So, should I visit or boycott?
Well, that is up to you, my dude. I cannot tell you whether to ignore the site or visit it, but I can say that there ain’t anything for you to lose if you choose to visit the site. I mean, this place is free, there is a lot of content to be seen, the browsing is simple, they have both amateur and premium pornography, and so on. So, why the fuck wouldn’t you give it a chance if your dick craves free porn?
Plus, the functions here are really simple. Their user-features, on the other hand, really fucking suck… but then again, they are not necessary for you to find whatever the fuck you are searching for. There are loads and loads of gorgeous women getting shagged hardcore in these naughty videos, and since is a free search porn engine, you can scroll through all of their suggestions, and enjoy what they have to offer.
- A great place to find porn
- Both amateur and professional porn included
- Lots of variations
- Categories
- No ads
- Shitty design
- Recommendations are also pretty crap
- Design sucks
- No advanced search options