Show 761 + sites like Xfantasy:
There are so many free porn tubes out there to choose from, but how are you supposed to know which one will be right for you? Everyone’s got the things that they’re into. Some people are all about BDSM and rope play, others like to role play that they’re fucking their sister (paging Dr. Freud, anybody there?). The same is true, obviously, when it comes to porn. And each free porn tube caters to a slightly different demographic. Porn Hub seems hellbent on turning the whole world into a bunch of taboo porn degenerates; whereas Red Tube tends to go for more of that classic, professional, hardcore straight-up fucking, no bullshit, no pretense.
Whatever you’re into, you’re definitely going to want to do a little bit of research when it comes time to decide on a default porn tube. And, as I’m sure you know by now, everybody needs a default porn tube! You know, the site that you automatically go to as soon as you pop a boner. Or the site that you go to in order to make a boner happen [porn can be a pretty damn good way to deal with boredom]!
But the aesthetic and the type of porn that a particular porn tube caters to will not be all that you’ll want to keep in mind when choosing a new home tube. Tip: if you ever interface with actual people in the real world on a semi-regular basis, do not actually make your browser’s home page a porn site, please … That shit’s creepy. Just be discreet, have some dignity. It really isn’t that hard. People who have their favorite porn site as their home page are almost as bad as whoever the fuck takes advantage of those share to social media buttons on porn sites … nobody wants to be friends with a fap-happy porn addict.
But I digress [just lookin’ out for my fellow porn connoisseurs out there!]. What was I saying? Oh, yeah, the right porn tube for you won’t be based solely on the type of porn the site tends to privilege – although that will be a major factor, surely. What you also need to keep in mind when you’re coming to a decision as to which porn tube to become a regular on is how well the site is designed, the quantity and quality of the videos, and whether or not it has all the features that you look for in a porn site. Some people can’t go without certain community features [I tend to like them because they provide you with the very real potential to get laid, and porn should be nothing more than a last resort when pussy isn’t an option], others don’t care as much … they just want high-quality porno to spank it to, and that’s their only M.O.
At the end of the day, don’t just pick a free porn tube because it’s familiar or you recognize the name. The big-name tubes may not be for you (especially if you fall on the kinkier side of the spectrum). But another big problem with the more commercially successful porn tubes is the fact that they tend to have fewer full-length scenes, leaving you with nothing but 8 or 10-minute clips to try and bust your load to. Thanks for the porn scraps, assholes! If you’re anything like me, though, this isn’t going to fly. Length matters!
Massive Collection of Porn
Today, though, we will be taking a look at a free porn tube called X Fantasy. This is a porn tube that does not fuck around. It is fucking huge. And I don’t mean like how your dick is “huge,” all five and a half inches of it. I mean this site is literally enormous. At the time of this review, X Fantasy has 28,209 pages of porn videos for you to choose from. At 30 videos per page, you’re looking at nearly a million hardcore pornos to enjoy, completely free of charge. Good luck running out of fap fodder here! It would be impossible. Plus, new videos are getting added all the time, so X Videos will only continue to grow with time (unlike your exceedingly average dick … sorry, bub).
X Videos doesn’t just tick the quantity box, though, when it comes to quality, this site has it in spades as well. But don’t take it from me. Maybe it would be better to let X Fantasy speak for themselves. On the matter of video quality, at the bottom of the site’s home page, they say, “We try to avoid XXX movies in resolutions lower than 720p. We honestly believe that good action deserves/requires good quality. There are a few exceptions here and there, some sex movies are too good to pass up, but in general, our steamy videos are in 720p, 1080p, or 4k. There’s nothing quite like streaming all the favorites in high quality, there’s nothing like enjoying brand-new pornography in jaw-dropping HD, too. Tell ya what, it seems like high quality elevates any source material, whether it’s old or new, European or USA-made. The main takeaway is that all our visitors get premium-quality pornography for a very reasonable price – exactly $0.00 in total.”
I like what they’re saying here for two reasons: A.) I appreciate the honesty in them admitting up front that not every video they upload is in HD, and I think that they have a pretty fair reason for uploading videos of lower quality … it’s true, some videos are too hot to pass up, regardless of resolution; and B.) that the people of X Fantasy care enough about their site to make quality control a central mission of theirs. I love me a porn site with an air of professionalism – big points for X Fantasy so far, for sure. Oh, and for an added perk, you can download all the movies in HD as well. Fuckin’ sweet!
Kink Friendly
Now, let’s take a look at content. Remember how earlier I brought up the fact that you’ll want to pick out a porn tube that best fits your particular kinks and interests? Let’s see what X Fantasy seems to specialize in. Scrolling through the pages, it looks like they are pretty keen on BDSM videos. I wouldn’t say that a majority of the videos are in this vein, but I will say that if sadomasochism is your jam, there will be plenty of it for you to delve into on X Fantasy. At the same time, however, if you’re not too into rope play or whips/chains, you won’t feel left out at all. Plenty of vanilla in the mix as well. I like it … looks like there’s a little bit of something for everyone here.
Although I’m not crazy about the site design on X Fantasy, it is far from the worst site I’ve seen. At the very top of the home page, you’ll find the site’s logo (an “X” made of two chili peppers on fire, with “Fantasy” written in a bold silver type. To the right of the logo, you’ll find the obligatory porn tube search bar, where you can type in any combination of perverted keywords your mind can conjure. Below that, you’ll find an assortment of popular tags, and then, finally, the site menu bar (which offers up Home, Categories, Tags, Channels, The Best Porn Sites [a link to yours truly … these guys have good fuckin’ taste!], and Live Sex Cams [Camonster]). Other than that, all you’ll find is precisely what you came for: thousands upon thousands of high-quality porn thumbnails. The thumbnails, by the way, while we’re on the subject, do offer previews, too, when you hover your cursor over them … which is almost a necessity for a porn tube of this size, in my opinion.
Some Missing Features
The site does not offer much in the way of additional features, however, such as a community or social media component. This is, like I mentioned before, sort of a polarizing topic in the world of porn lovers. Some people love them, other people could care less. I think it would be a nice touch, to allow users to keep in touch with one another. You can’t even leave comments on X Fantasy, let alone message your way into some pussy. So, if you’re more of a social fapper, you’ll want to keep this in mind.
X Fantasy nearly makes up for their lack of features, though, in the fact that each video comes with tons of recommended videos to choose from below it. This is one of my favorite ways to browse a porn tube site, and it seems as if too many sites like this do not cater to the tube surfer. It’s a great way to discover new videos and girls that are in a similar vein to what you like, so I’m always happy to see porn sites that give you this browsing option.
- Number of videos
- Quality of videos
- Diversity of content
- Basic site design
- Lack of features