Show 761 + sites like Vidz24:
In 2019, the developed part of the world is privileged enough to be able to access the internet via a portable smartphone device that can be carried around in your pocket at all times. This of course means that anyone who possesses such a device coupled with an internet connection can access porn videos at basically any given time – something that would have seemed like a god-given miracle for people living in the 80s and before. Can you imagine some snot-nosed kid in the 80s who faps to nudie playboy mags being able to access and see internet porn in all its X-rated, HD glory that it’s presented with in the modern day?
That scenario would definitely result in the kid fapping away at least a few bucket-loads for the day, and then some. It’s safe to say that today’s porn and the dirt-simple accessibility it comes with is definitely something that shouldn’t be taken for granted, no matter how simple it is to take out your smartphone and access a full HD premium XXX video on the internet, which all in all is a process that typically takes up to a minute tops.
This is, of course, brought to us by many, many porntubes which exist today, some of these porntubes are designed with accessibility and UX/UI in mind, with organized content that’s carefully stored into its respective categories, making it easy to locate by those who’ve decided to blow their load(s) for the day. Other porntubes however, aren’t that easy to use, and more often than not are riddled with annoying pop up ads that, to put in layman terms, shit all over your fapping experience and make it that much harder for you to find and play the video you’re looking for, which feels like utter hell when you’re browsing in a hurry, desperately trying to find some XXX footage that’s worthy of you blowing your load to. Sites like ‘Vidz24’ are in abundance, but what makes this particular site worthy of your load? Let’s take a look and find out.
Lots of Premium XXX Videos to Choose From
One of the things I noticed about Vidz24’s video content is that a lot of its clips go over the 20-minute mark. Most porntubes today usually have videos which typically last anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes, but this site’s videos usually go over 20 minutes. In fact, the majority of the videos here are full scenes which more often than not span for over 30-40 minutes, and they’re all filmed by big-budget HD productions such as Fake Driving School, Girls do Porn, Brazzers and so on. It’s not easy to find full-length scenes on other porn tubes which were filmed by premium-level XXX productions such as these, so this is definitely something which Vidz24 has going for it.
Pick Via XXX Studio Production
Another thing which can’t commonly be found on most porntubes is the wide variety of professionally-filmed XXX content that seems to be in abundance here at Vidz24. There are thousands of videos on this site which are filmed by these big budget production houses, and the beautiful thing about this whole ordeal is that these videos are 100% free, even though the XXX production that filmed them meant for them to be sold to millions of desperate porno fans stupid enough to actually pay real money for pornography.
If you’ve ever wanted to fap to some state of the art pornography captured with a HD camera that probably cost a few thousand dollars to film per scene and stars actors that make stupid amounts of money by having sex on camera, then you can definitely live out that perverted dream of yours right here on this site’s ‘Studios’ section. There are dozens of alphabetically-sorted studios on here which you can choose from such as Legalporno, Nubilesnetwork, Tricky Old Teacher, RealityJunkies and so on. Most of these XXX studios also focus on a certain genre, theme or niche such as teens, moms, reality, anal, taboo and so on, so you’ll definitely be getting something unique with each XXX production you decide to check out.
You Won’t Find Any Amateur Porn Here Though…
Vidz24 focuses on purely professionally-made premium XXX content – you won’t find any videos here of dudes recording their girlfriends sucking their dick – all those videos which are poorly shot by guys plowing their girlfriends are all but absent on this site, because all this site focuses on is professionally-made premium porn. If you’re in need of some authentic homemade XXX videos which feature a certain couple having sex or some old rich fuck filming himself fucking a hooker in a hotel room with a hidden camera, then you’ll have to search elsewhere because the closest thing you’ll find to that here is some reality-style porn which contains 2 minutes of dialogue and 30 minutes of HD-filmed sex.
No Categories, Just Tags
Another thing which this site lacks alongside amateur porn videos is categories – this is one of the few websites I’ve ever come across which do not contain any categories whatsoever. For some reason, Vidz24’s categories are all stored as tags, and while that may make it simpler to use it’s not the most effective way of categorizing porn content because tags are always way more specific than categories, and combining the two definitely leads to the same content being found on both categories; i.e. the ‘Asian’ tag contains videos of anal, which can also be found in the ‘Anal’ tag.
There is also another major flaw I have to point out about this site’s tag categories: instead of making a separate section of the site which sorts all the pornstars who appear in its videos, the people running this site have decided to just dump all the pornstars, including all the porn studios, right in the tag section. 90% of all the tags on this site are essentially named pornstars who appear in its videos, and about 5% of the tags are XXX productions, which is completely useless since there’s already a standalone section of the site that focuses on the same XXX productions.
Only about 5% of the tags are actual tags which work to properly sort different kinds of content depending on what’s in it, and all of them are basically general themes and genres like ‘Asian’, ‘Blonde’, ‘Blowjob’ and ‘Milf’, which could easily have been added categories instead of just throwing them in as tags alongside all the pornstars and XXX studios that appear on this site’s videos – overall it’s a pretty unorganized affair, but at least it’s in alphabetical order…
Ads Can Definitely Get in the Way
As I mentioned earlier, a lot of these modern-day porntubes have plenty of ads cluttered around them which makes the whole ordeal of accessing a fast-responding, on-demand porntube which is meant to give you fast porn way too long. The whole point of these websites is to gain access to a hot, high quality XXX video that you can fap to, but on Vidz24, instead of being able to do that, you’re bombarded with pop up ads with every second click that hold you back from your video and slow down your device in the process. If you’re going to use this website to fap, make sure to have AdBlock turned on – don’t worry, it’s not one of those sites that restricts its accessibility if you have AdBlock turned on.
A Lot of the Video Thumbnails are Missing
Another thing which this site desperately needs to fix in order to be a ‘true’ porntube is to add thumbnails to its video links – one of the things which every fast-responding porntube has in common and relies on in order to work properly is thumbnails for its video links. People who access these sites hoping to treat themselves to a nice fap open videos as a result of being enticed by their thumbnail. Over 90% of all the video links on this website do not have any thumbnail whatsoever, which kind of kills the purpose of fapping on a porntube in the first place. The only thing that you can rely on when opening these videos is their title, which doesn’t really do the trick as well as a thumbnail.
- Site responds fast
- Video player loads fast and doesn’t have obstructive ads
- Some pretty rare premium porn videos
- Plenty of XXX studios to choose from
- Pornstars sorted as tags
- Site’s layout is very barebones and basic
- Everything takes two clicks to open
- Ads will definitely get in the way if you don’t have AdBlocker
- Less than half of all videos have thumbnails
- No categories, only tags