Show 761 + sites like RushPorn:
In this day and age there are thousands of these ‘run of the mill’ porntubes that were created for one sole purpose: To provide people all over the world with fast, on-demand porn that can be accessed and enjoyed all in under a minute. Porn addiction is a real plague on the world’s youth nowadays – millions of people under 30 actually prefer to watch pornography instead of going out and chasing real women and sites like this make sure that these people stay addicted. I understand this addiction all too well – I mean who in their right mind would want to go out and spend money as well as waste time and energy hoping to potentially find someone to have sex with when they have porn at their disposal?
At the end of the day, it’s not a guarantee that you’ll find someone to have sex with you on a night out, but fapping to internet pornography is always a pleasure that’s guaranteed to be yours no matter if you’re fapping to written-form erotica involving latex-clad fairy tale characters practicing BDSM on each other, or if you’re fapping to a site such as RushPorn here which includes pornography that’s deemed as ‘standard’.
The beautiful thing about sites like RushPorn is that they enable terabytes of HD video-format porn that’s produced by dozens of big-budget XXX studios to be accessed for free, regardless if you’re a stay-at-home neckbeard who wouldn’t dare step out into the daylight if your life depended on it, or an on-the-go busybody who wouldn’t mind opening this site from your smartphone and treating yourself to a nice fap in some restaurant or workplace bathroom. If you’ve ever had a sudden urge that made you as horny as a teenage girl at a Justin Bieber concert and wanted to fap to some nice eye-candy porno, then this site will definitely help you in your time of need.
Fast-Loading Premium XXX Videos
The bread and butter of this site is its fast responsiveness – you can open it up and play a video within minutes. If your device is fast enough, you could probably pull the whole process off in seconds and have a whole hour-long video of busty A-star MILF pornstars taking dick in all holes playing on your device in under a minute. Not only does this site open up different sections fast, but its videos also load fast – sure, there may be some videos that are slower than others, and some clips won’t even work (more on that later), but over half of all the thousands upon thousands of videos uploaded on this website will play for you in a matter of seconds, and the video players themselves are also equipped with quality options that let you pick between 720 and 480 pixels, which can come in handy depending on your device’s processing speed.
Contains All The Usual, Go-To Vanilla Porn Categories
As with most porntubes that specialize in delivering fast-loading HD porn videos to their visitors, RushPorn has its fair share of categories which don’t stray too far in the ‘bizarre’ and ‘alternative’ spectrum of porno themes and genres and tend to stick more to the vanilla stuff. Aside from the BDSM, gangbang, gay and massage categories, there aren’t any other that would be deemed as themes and/or genres belonging to the more ‘out there’ side of pornography. This site has 35 categories in total, and all of them aside from the aforementioned ones are your go-to categories which fit perfectly into the ‘vanilla’ spectrum of internet porno categories, with themes and genres like threesome, wife, stockings, POV, cumshot, blowjob, amateur, teacher and so on.
There are also a handful of ethnicity-based categories which would definitely come in handy for anyone who has a certain race in mind when it comes to their dream fuck-slut for the night: Italian, Brazilian, Asian, Ebony, Russian, French, German, Spanish and Latina are all the ethnicity-based categories which RushPorn has to offer for anyone out there willing to blow their load to a big booty Latina, small-titty, hairy snatch Asian girl or otherwise.
Pornstar Section Built Only for Function
The ‘Pornstar’ section on this site might not have a lot of flare on it that entices you with nice visuals and a smooth interface, but then again the entirety of this website is built upon the whole ‘barebones’ aesthetic, so who am I to complain. Rushporn’s ‘Pornstar’ section contains a list of the entire professional XXX cast that appears in its videos, regardless if they’re only featured once or dozens of times. The best way to sift through them is to use the A-Z filter that’s at the beginning of the section which lets you view girls whose name begins with whichever letter you’ve chosen.
There is no way to filter the pornstars based on their appearance or any other factors, so your best bet is to simply use the A-Z letter-based filter which this site provides. In addition, every pornstar profile on this site simply contains a list of the videos which they’re featured in, coupled with a profile image so that you can actually tell what the pornstar looks like – a lot of these porntube-esque websites tend to not have any profile pictures for the pornstars listed in their respective ‘Pornstar’ section, so be thankful that this site does despite it lacking comprehensive information in almost all of its sections.
No Photo Section – It’s All Videos Here
As was mentioned several times, this website is designed to deliver fast on-demand XXX porn videos which are meant to satisfy you visually in order to help you blow a load. The whole premise of this website is speediness and fast pornography, hence the name ‘RushPorn’, so why in the world would it have a photo section? Maybe if it existed a decade or so ago this site might have been home to some eye-candy photo-based visuals, but that format of pornography is a thing of the past now in 2019, and you won’t find any XXX pictures here.
Won’t Find Any True Amateur Porn On This Site
One thing which I think this site could definitely improve on is adding on to its severe lack of true authentic, homemade amateur porn. There is a severe lack of it here, and the videos that do come close to it aren’t actually authentic – even if you do browse through this site’s ‘Amateur’ and ‘Homemade’ categories, you won’t find any true amateur fuck flicks that contain real homemade sex – you’ll definitely find studio-made replicas meant to look like they’re authentic homemade XXX movies, but you won’t find the real thing.
Unfortunately, Not all Videos will Play
This is arguably the worst thing about this website, and it really should be taken care of at least partly by the people running this site because it defeats the whole purpose of ‘fast, on-demand XXX videos’. There are plenty of videos on this site that are broken and won’t play at all, and a good amount of them are actually videos which can be find in the ‘Top Rated’ section. This of course is a very damaging flaw that definitely fucks up the experience of plenty of people who were hoping to fap on some top-rated videos on this site – just imagine how heartbreaking it would be to open up this site, hoping to start fapping soon, and navigating to a top-rated video with your heart pounding from excitement, only to find out that the video won’t play?
Recommended Videos Will Almost Always Be the Same
Lastly, this site’s recommended video section is definitely in need of an algorithm update. The recommended videos of any given porn website whether it be a porntube or not are meant to give viewers similar videos to fap to which they’ll turn to when faced with the infamous “fapper’s indecision” syndrome, which happens when a hopeful masturbator is on a porn website but can’t seem to pick their video of choice and end up searching for videos longer than they do fapping to them. This recommended video section on here is almost always the same damn list of videos which only change depending on the main categories of your opened video, and it’s definitely something that should be improved with a new, more complex algorithm which will show a different, more diverse list of recommended videos.
- Plenty of categories
- No annoying ads
- Pleasing visual design
- Easy to navigate
- Video players contain quality options
- Must close ad before playing
- Site doesn’t have any true amateur porn
- No photo section
- The only porn available is big-budget XXX studio porn
- Not all videos work
- Some videos contain wrong thumbnail images/titles
- Recommended videos are always the same lineup