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NSFW Memes
Sometimes it’s always refreshing to take a break away from dirty videos and images on regular porn tubes and sites so you can try out different formats of erotica. And in many cases, most porn lovers, including ThePornDude, will go for animated porn or porn games. But there’s also a certain clique of fucking crazy porn lovers who prefer to consume their porn in a written format. I mean, don’t get me wrong since I know some people are really good writers and they can write very steamy sex stories that will actually fire up your imagination until the equipment in your pants gets excited enough to want to bust a nut. But honestly, how bored must you be to enjoy reading your way through short erotic sentences until you get a hard-on and want to jerk off. Personally, it would take ages before getting to that point.
Nevertheless, that does not mean that I must ignore the needs of all you sick perverts who like to consume porn in a written format. That’s why I spent a ton fuck of my precious time to find you a unique site that serves text-based porn content just for your fapping pleasure. And instead of simply finding a site that brings you erotic stories, I present to you a site that presents short and funny porn memes. At least this way you don’t have to worry about spending a lot of your time reading through blocks of paragraphs just to get to a point where your pole is stiff enough for a nice polish. The name of the site is, or simply NSFW Memes Reddit. Read on as I unravel the intrigues behind this subreddit to find out what it has to offer and what it misses out on!
Typical Subreddit Layout and Design
As you probably already know, the whole layout and design of Reddit as well as, most if not all, its subreddits is always a blue shade. Since this subreddit features adult content, which is usually not preferred on a bright, blue background, they have a lights off feature. The site also has various viewing formats and you can sort out the material in it according to top, hot, new, and uprising. I particularly prefer the top and hot categories because you get to view some of the most creative and funny erotic memes.
Additionally, you can set your browsing according to country and they also have a search feature that allows you to search content based on what you prefer best. In a nutshell, there’s no way you are going to get lost in here. Unless of course, you are one of those fucking retards who love online adult content but you don’t have a fucking clue on how to go about it.
What’s the Actual Fucking Deal Here?
Let me start by breaking down what you’re most probably expecting out of this site versus the actual reality. I guess when you first hear that NSFW Memes Reddit brings you the best of porn and hentai memes, you’re probably thinking that the site literally serves porn scenes allover. But you need to understand that hentai and porn are just common themes here. The true spirit of memes is to deliver a funny message, for instance, a vulgar message about something in life but in a funny, hidden way. So the memes posted on this site are lewd in all senses but not as visually explicit as some of you fucking perverts would imagine.
Purely Dedicated to Memes
If you’ve been using Reddit as your source of rib-cracking adult content, then it’s quite obvious to you that the site always lives up to its promises. And whenever they claim to dedicate to bringing you the best of any kind of NSFW material, then that’s precisely what they fucking mean. You only need to sign up as a member and ensure you’re always on the moderators’ good books. After all, the fucking moderators are the guys who ensure that members in the platform abide by the rule book and observe the general theme of the subreddit. And just as you would expect with NSFW Memes Reddit, it is heaving with a shit load of NSFW Memes allover and more are uploaded every day.
Creative and Sensually Intriguing Memes All through
I must mention the fact that the memes you’ll find on NSFW Memes Reddit may not seem exceptionally erotic in the sexualized or nude sense. But one thing is for sure. The twisted erotic messages and the suggestive thoughts that they deliver are not only creative but also sensually exciting. I’m not saying that you will find everything here jizz-worthy, but at least it will get you thinking about some naughty shit. I bet some of you sick fucks might even spare some time to look for other more explicit NSFW material.
Lively Community of Erotic Meme Lovers
For fuck’s sake, this site is a meme sharing platform that’s specifically dedicated to the porn and hentai genres. And with approximately 14.1K active meme lords, you’ll be damn right to expect this site to be awash with porn memes and responsive opinionated dickheads. So discussions tend to always be heated considering the erotic theme of the memes posted by members. But keep in mind that you must be a registered member to be allowed to post memes and leave comments.
Always Play by the Fucking Rule Book
As I already mentioned, this subreddit, and any other subreddit for that matter, has a couple of rules that all members have to abide by. For starters, you must be 18+ to register as a member and any images that may be suspected to contain minors will be deleted. Additionally, serious violations will automatically lead to a ban on the content posted. Secondly, all posts must have some “sauce” as they claim in their rules. Members are encouraged to post real solid memes and include links to the source video/doujinshi for proper archival. Thirdly, members must “keep it sexy” as this platform is all about sharing memes and members are expected to be friendly, cool guys dedicated to the cause. Consequently, hate speech and rudeness will not be tolerated at any cost and any assholes that violate these rules will be banned.
The Ups
There’re several features that I liked about this site that are worth a mention. First, there’s a shit load of porn memes that are not only funny but also exotic and sensually intriguing. Secondly, the ads-free experience is a wonderful bonus. I guess the reason why this subreddit and all other subreddits offer this kind of experience is that they have a strict policy against advertising. And this always makes for a comfortable, uninterrupted and sexy view of content on Reddit. Lastly, the site is frequently updated with new funny, erotic memes every day. I mean, with 14.1K active members, this is something you should expect.
The Downs
The fact that this site offers adult content in a text-based format but with a few dirty images is something that I really can’t wrap my head around. I mean, who the fuck gets excited to the point of wanting to jerk off just by reading memes? But I have to understand that some sick fucks out there love this kind of shit. Besides that, you must register as a member to interact in this community, which really sucks but it’s the goddamn fucking rule.
Suggestions from ThePornDude
I must give credit to Reddit for creating active communities that are unique and serve very specific niches through their subreddits. I mean, there’s no other platform that has managed to carve a niche for so many unique groups of individuals. They truly deserve a thumbs up for this achievement. As much as I hate rules, I suggest they keep up with the rules to maintain the originality of the content posted on this subreddit.
ThePornDude’s Final Take
Overall, NSFW Memes Reddit is an awesome porn and hentai memes platform. The platform serves a huge and active community of porn meme lovers who love to interact and share porn memes on a friendly basis. The fact that the memes are updated every day is a great thing because users can rest assured of new, funny content all the time. Lastly, the site is user-friendly and easy to navigate with a nice layout and design that’s free of annoying ads.
- A ton fuck of porn memes
- No annoying popup ads
- Frequent updates
- Nice layout and user-friendly navigation and layout
- A massive, active community of members
- You must register as a member to participate
- Text-based porn content