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Nowadays, we’re living in a new and advanced era where the quality of pornography mainly boils down to how accessible it is in addition to how much pixels a porn video contains (which is quite literally what quality means). People nowadays don’t watch porn like they used to, and that stands true even as recently as 10 years ago when RedTube reigned supreme within the then-rapidly expanding kingdom of internet porn – back then almost everyone accessed and watched internet pornography via their desktop computers, but now things have definitely changed.
Nowadays a lot of XXX content consumers prefer to watch pornography through their smartphones, because they’ve advanced rapidly within the past decade – back in the late 00s, opening up and loading any given XXX video whether it’s in 144 p or 720p would take at the very least a few minutes, and this was an absolute fact whether you had a fast handheld device or not because internet sites just weren’t optimized for mobile usage back then like they are now.
In these advanced times, every website that hopes to have non-abysmal traffic is optimized for access via mobile and tablet devices due to the fact that over half of all internet users access the internet from these very devices on any given day. The era of the desktop internet surfer is sadly coming to an end thanks to the rapid rise and advancement of all kinds of handheld electronic devices which contain more processing power than that bulky Pentium 4 that you or an older sibling probably used to download porn from via an outdated downloading platform like LimeWire or Kaaza (forgive me for being nostalgic, but accessing internet porn was no easy feat back in the days).
This rise of electronic handheld devices is primarily why sites like DaftSex exist in the first place – there are plenty of porn tubes such as this one that can all be accessed quickly by any smartphone or tablet, but what makes DaftSex stand out from the crowd and worthy of your attention and special alone fap time? Let’s find out…
It’s All Free, And It Can All Be Viewed in HD
First things first – if you want to know why this website is so popular aside from being astoundingly simple to access, it’s because it has thousands of free premium-level high-quality XXX videos which were all produced by some big-time XXX production studio that was hoping to sell them to some morons who would still pay for porn in 2019. The simple beauty that drives scores of people to this site is free high-quality pornography – you can access any of these videos in a few minutes tops, and if your device is fast enough you could probably do it in under a minute, which is perfect for those times you feel an uncontrollable sexual urge and need to relieve yourself in the nearest bathroom, regardless if you’re a guest in someone’s house, at work or at college/school.
Get a Load of These Models
All of the familiar and not too familiar faces in pornography are cataloged on this site for your viewing pleasure – and no, ‘viewing pleasure’ in this case doesn’t mean photosets of these lovely pornstars which you can enjoy when taking a break from fapping to video-based porn. The girls on this site, or should I say the ‘models’, are all stored on the standard go-to ’Pornstars’ section on this site via popularity, but if you were worried that you can’t settle down and find the right girl to blow your load to due to a lack of search filters, you’re wrong because you totally can. Surprisingly enough, this site contains a pretty in-depth filtering system which can be used to find the right kind of girl for your special alone time – I used ‘surprising’ here because pretty much this whole site is strictly practical in nature without too many side-options available to enhance your experience, save for this filtering system on the ‘Pornstars’ section which I’m honestly quite impressed with.
This state-of-the-art, in-depth filtering system allows you to find just the girl you need to help you with your needs, and if you’re a person who might need a guy or a shemale then rest assured that you can find filter in those two genders too because this filtering system was made for people of all sexual preferences: It contains the aforementioned gender filter which allows one to pick between men women and shemales (M2F shemales only), as well as ethnicity, hair color, cup size and age group (18 to 50+). With this filtering system you can bet both your balls that you’ll be able to find precisely the pornstar you’re looking for, regardless if she’s a white teeny redhead or a luscious Ebony cougar.
Plenty of Vanilla Categories for You to Play Around With
Like all go-to porn tubes, DaftSex has all the go-to categories available for all its visitors to have fun with. The people running this site don’t seem to care too much about porn fans that need something with a little more ‘kick’ in it in order to get them aroused, and by ‘kick’ I mean videos of women kicking guys in the balls and other hardcore, bizarre shit that would definitely make people not want to sit next to you if they knew you were a fan of it. There are 32 categories in total right here on this site, and they include all the vanilla themes and genres like blonde, ass, brunette, MILF and other standard categories you’ve probably seen on every other porn tube in existence – if you need some more ‘out there’ stuff then you might want to check out the Porn Dude’s list of sites and find a website that’s more suitable for your needs.
No Ads, Fast Processing Speeds and HD Videos
The last positive thing I’d like to highlight about this particular XXX domain is that it has no annoying, obstructive pop-up ads that fuck up your fapping process whatsoever – at least not if you’re running AdBlocker. In addition, the site responds fast to all your navigation commands and the video players start playing videos in just a few seconds tops regardless if the videos in question are 5 minute-long clips of some random hoe getting drilled by some dude or a 2-hour long mid-2000s full XXX movie which features five actors in total.
Where There are No Ads, There Also Aren’t Any Thumbnail Images Too
This here’s quite a doozy, and it’s definitely going to fuck up the experience for a lot of you who are hoping to fap on this site – almost all the thumbnail images for the video links are missing, and if you’re someone who faps on a regular basis you know exactly just how important thumbnail images on video links are.
They’re basically the driving force behind your decision making when it comes to fapping itself, and if they’re missing then there are no visual stimuli to guide you and help you pick a video that’s worthy of your time and load, and that’s basically the whole function of a fast on-demand porn tube that’s mean to help you satisfy your uncontrollable urge to fap in a matter of minutes. The fact that over 90% of all videos on this site are missing a thumbnail image is definitely shitty, but at least there’s some saving grace in the matter – if you hover your mouse over a video link, an image will probably reveal itself and start moving like a GIF, showing you what goes down in the video, but this isn’t guaranteed to happen as I’ve tested it myself and can tell you that it only happens for about half of all videos on this site.
Site Is Basically Just A Dump of Free Porn Videos with Weird Titles
Aside from the severely debilitating case of missing thumbnail images for the video links, this site also suffers from a case of weird, half English half Russian video titles which are just impossible to understand. This just adds on to the symptom of the missing thumbnail images, because not only can you not tell what a given video looks like but you also can’t tell what happens in it because the titles are all weird syntax abominations of porn-esque buzz words written in English and Russian. This site is more or less a content dump of free premium porn videos, except the video thumbnail images and titles are all messed up.
- Pornstars in pornstar section can be filtered (gender, age, ethnicity and cup size)
- Video players offer quality options
- Video thumbnail links will (sometimes) play as GIFs despite missing an image
- Well-rounded vanilla category selection
- No ads
- Site responds fast to commands
- Not much in terms of options, very barebones setup
- Missing thumbnail images on almost all video links as well as categories
- Pornstar profiles in pornstar section only contain credited video lists
- Visual design is as bland as can be
- Video titles are written in English and Russian
- No homemade amateur porn
- No hardcore/BDSM/fetish porn