Show 765 + sites like ChatRandom:
Watching porn can be a pretty lonely endeavor sometimes. Not to be too depressing or anything, but it’s true. It’s a pretty solitary act. Especially considering the fact that nobody watches porn if they could otherwise be getting laid. So, you’re in a sort of vicious cycle of loneliness, horniness, and fapping to porn … which is, in some ways, just a reminder of the fact that you are alone. Every once in a while, it can be good to switch things up a bit … try something a little more interactive. You know, maybe even actually talk to a girl or two in the process. Who knows!
Thankfully, however, it is not acceptable to fap in a social context (yet). Although I guarantee you there are some creepy ass friend groups out there who get together to watch porn and jack off in unison. After all, that is the where the idea of the circle jerk stems from, isn’t it? Yeah, I’ll pass on all that fuckery, thanks.
There are plenty of different sources for interactive online interactive sexual experiences, though. There are, for one, a fuck ton of games out there for you to choose from. Some that rely heavily on a chatting component. This is one way to turn your lonely fap sessions into fun and challenging social experiences. Be careful with these, though, I would bet money on the fact that almost none of the people in these games claiming to be female actually are.
My best estimate would be that it’s one out of ten. So, like any game of chance, there’s a definite risk in allowing yourself to jack off alongside a player who’s avatar is a sexy mermaid alien or some shit … because, chances are, that sexy mermaid alien is being controlled by another dude who’s fapping off, knowing you’re a guy. It’s a god damned thirst trap! Abort! Abort!
There are also, of course, thousands of different xxx cam sites to choose from. It’s a win-win with these, really, because all of the guesswork is out of the equation. The chicks that you’re watching perform for you on cam are, most certainly, verifiably 100% female. Much fun can be had on these sites. However, there is one major downside to them. They will drain your bank account just about as quickly as they’ll drain your balls. Cam sites can be quite expensive if you aren’t careful. Especially since the girls pick their private per minute price (and a lot of these girls have egos that are much bigger than their tits are).
There has to be an option for interactive online sexual encounters that is both free and doesn’t come with the risk of jerking off with a bunch of dudes, though, right? Hmm … well, there are always chat room sites. I don’t know how likely they are to help you avoid the risk of stroking dicks with some fat ass from Idaho, but they have to be worth revisiting, right? Shit, when’s the last time you were even on a chat room or video chat site? 2005? Fuck, probably even longer ago for me. Who knows, maybe they’ve gotten better over the years. I mean, they must be doing something if they still exist in the post-social media age, right? So, let’s take a look and see for ourselves, shall we?
Omegle on Steroids
Today we’ll be looking at a site called Chat Random. Now, this is actually a newer chat site, so it doesn’t have the same level of nostalgia to it. In fact, it has a rather sleek and professional design … it almost looks like something you’d use to host professional business conference calls or something. The idea is basically the same idea that fueled Omegle, if you remember that site. And I don’t think that I have to go to in depth about how it works. Mostly because it’s more or less in the name of the site: Chat Random. You don’t have to be Elon Musk to figure that one out, do you? It’s a video chatting site that – yup, you guess it! – pairs you up with other video chatters from around the world, completely at random.
Well, it only pairs you up around the world if you want it to. This is the first place where Chat Random already starts outperforming its prototypical site, Omegle. You can actually select what country you want to be limited to. So, if you only want to talk to people from Spain, so be it. If you only want to try and mack it with French chicks, have at it. German girls only for you? Prost. Have fun.
A Genius Lives Amongst Us…
Now, when I first arrived at Chat Random, I got very excited. It looks like someone finally figured out that it could be beneficial to code a gender filter into a random video chat site. Huh! Go figure! You mean not everyone is trying to click through what is essentially a randomized dick generator? What genius thought of this after all these years? Fuck. It only took them almost 30 years to figure that one out! Whatever, better late than never, I suppose.
So, of course, because I even bothered to provide access to my webcam, the first thing I tried to click on, on the site was the gender filter … girls only, please. And … you have to upgrade to use that feature. Of-fucking-course you do! Goddamnit! I was so close to unlocking all that Omegle could have been. Oh well. Hey, at least they offer the feature … even if it’s for a price. Will it be worth it to pay for?
Well, only one way to find out for sure. But I have a feeling that, even with the filter, you’re still going to do a lot of waiting around before you actually connect to a chick’s webcam feed. Why would a sexy chick looking to flick her bean on webcam do so for free when she has hundreds of sites out there to turn to willing to pay her to do the same exact thing? It doesn’t make a lot of sense. I’m sure there are a few uggos and fatties here and there who you’ll happen upon in your Chat Random quest, though.
Hook, Line, and Stinker
Alas. Unless you upgrade, you’re left with the same problem that every other randomized webcam chat site has. It’s nothing but dicks as far as the eye can see. Dick after dick after gross and shriveled dick. It’s the same problem with interactive porn gaming and, in fact, every kind of interactive online porn-related thing beside. One day, though, I have faith, somebody is going to figure out a way to make an interactive porn site that actually has a healthy male to female ratio. I don’t know what it will look like, or how they will do it. But I believe. I’m an optimist, I guess. At least when it comes to pussy.
But, hey, maybe you’re looking for a bunch of dudes to video chat with or expose yourself to. If so, Chat Random is the site for you. Damn. It’s a shame, too, because the site design is so nice, everything is super easy to use, it’s quick, responsive, intuitive, the video quality is good … basically, it ticks all the boxes of a video chat site, except for the box, box. No snatch in sight, unfortunately.
Won’t Know Unless You Go
I mean, I haven’t tried upgrading. Who knows, maybe it’s worth it. Maybe the site is very active and condensed. While I was on it, randomly skipping cam after cam after cam, I didn’t end up running into any chicks, sure, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t still enough who use the site to justify upgrading. Maybe I didn’t stick around long enough. You’ll have to try it out for yourself. Maybe you have more dick patience than I do. It is true that my dick patience is rather short. Much like most of the dicks that I, unfortunately, had my eyes assaulted with on Chat Random.
The site itself, though, like I said – awesome. If you aren’t into the whole video chatting thing, Chat Random has you covered in that department as well. In addition to randomly video chatting with people from all over the world, you can also do some random text chatting if you prefer. Although I noticed that people on the text, at least the ones I tried to talk to, are not very responsive for whatever reason. But, hey, at least they weren’t fucking bots, programmed to waste my time. So, I’ll count that as a win, I guess.
All in all, you have to try Chat Random for yourself. There are so many factors. Maybe you’ll have better luck than me if you log on at a different time, select a different country, who knows. Other than maybe having to look at a few gnarly dicks, what do you have to lose?
- Sleek, professional, intuitive site design
- Fast, HQ Cam Streaming
- Cool filter options (if you upgrade)
- Coolest features cost money
- Lots of dicks