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Adblock Plus
Talk about essential tools for browsing the internet for porn. is one of those things that you just have to have to install before you start watching porn online. We’ve all been there guys. You get on a free porn site and the second you click on a link or try to watch a video you see like 20 different pop-up ads that you have to battle through. These ads all have all sorts of fucking viruses in them and you better not click on them if you don’t want to fuck around with having to fix your computer. If you want to browse your favorite porn sites safely, then you need a tool such as the one to see all that porn has to offer online.
One of the best tools for blocking ads online
Now, it’s fairly simple when you take a look at it. is a tool that you can download and install into your browser as an extension so that you would have added features. Unfortunately, you don’t have it as an extension when browsing sites using a mobile browser, but we’ll get to that in a second. First, we need to mention some other things such as how often works and whether it’s worth installing at all. I think we all know the answer to that last question but let’s start exploring anyway and see just how good it is and whether or not you should be installing it into your browser now that you’ve learned about it.
Here’s the thing, I’ve never been the kind of guy to bullshit you around so I’m just going to tell you straight up that if you want to browse through porn without being bombarded with ads all the time, then you definitely need to install because it just makes everything way better as far as ads on porn sites are concerned. But it’s not just porn sites that we’re talking about here. You’ll also be getting a much better experience on pretty much every website that you’re browsing through using your desktop browser. We’re talking about all the big boys that support anyway.
Works on pretty much every browser
That means that it doesn’t matter whether you’re using Firefox or Chrome, or even Edge, you can download and use Now that sounds absolutely amazing when you think about it and I think that pretty much every computer should download and install when it downloads a browser and starts browsing the internet. The moment you step into the porn side of the story, the necessity of becomes even more apparent. You basically need it whenever you’re looking to browse through a porn site without having to close a million pop-up ads. We all know how annoying those can be, so if you want to avoid them altogether then you’re going to need a tool such as to survive through that onslaught.
One thing that you’ll notice with is that they allow some ads through. It’s no biggie, and these ads are usually not that bad when it comes to the ones that you’ll find on porn sites. Basically, there are some ad providers that will be allowed through the filter since the company has decided that their ads aren’t so bad to watch through. Honestly, I don’t like this since who the fuck decides which ads are watchable and which aren’t? If you’re going to get rid of all ads, just get rid of all ads. But I get it, I guess they have to make their money somehow. If you want to get a completely ad-free experience, then you’re going to be let down every now and then with.
Some ads are impossible to detect and block
But it’s not just the ads that they let through which are the problem. There are some ads out there which try to mask themselves to look like they’re part of the content and not actual ads. And what would you know, it actually works. For example, we’re talking about ads which are stuck to the background image of the site, so you have to constantly look at it no matter where you are on the damn website. There are also some video ads that get masked as part of the content and they seem to seep through the protection as well. Now that you see that as well as the ads which lets through on their own for being okay, to begin with, you’ll soon start to notice that there’s no way that you’re ever going tog et a 100% ad-free experience.
You’re always going to have to sit through some ads no matter how hard you try to get rid of all of them. Then again, I guess it could be a lot better if there was no, to begin with. In this case, you would have to be at the mercy of all the ads and you should probably be glad that this isn’t the case. For what it’s worth, is a free tool and it helps you get rid of most ads that are on any particular site. This has to be something worth downloading, especially since it’s a free tool for whichever browser you’re using. Well, I don’t know whether it’s available for all the smaller players such as Brave, Opera and so on. But for the most part, all the big browsers seem to be covered and working a-OK.
Protects your security and privacy online as well
One more way in which makes your internet life better is that it protects your security and privacy. All those ads that you load on your computer tend to send some personal information along with them and this can be a problem especially with sites where you just have to insert your personal information such as paying online with internet credit cards and so on. If you intend to use those then you better be aware that some ads can use your personal information against you as an effort to steal your money or steal your identity. In this case, you should definitely be aware that using a tool such as pretty much blocks all of that from ever being possible in the first place.
One browser extension can change your porn-viewing experience forever
I mean it might sound stupid, but it really is as simple as one browser extension. You have no idea how well one of these extensions can work as a life improvement. You can have all sorts of extensions and ad blockers, but has been one that has been around for pretty much the longest time. I mean there are a few others as well, but seems to be one that you absolutely have to look into especially if you have a brand-new browser that you just started using and all that. So yeah, I guess that this would be a perfect time to check the extension out and even install it.
And let me be honest, you should probably give up from trying to use porn sites altogether if you’re never going to install an adblocker. The ads on these websites can be just so horrible that it’s impossible to use them without going into a rage. I have to use all sites without an adblocker because I have to tell you about the original experience and let me tell you that you just don’t want to deal with what I’m dealing with when I visit some of these websites. Just check out some of my reviews for more info.
If you look at the entire picture, there just is no reason for you not to check this place out and download the extension over at No matter which browser you’re using you’re probably going to be able to get this extension and tool for free. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to support the people who make all of this possible by donating to the organization, but that’s up to you at the end of the day. is a site that you can always count on to bring you the newest versions of one of the most popular tools online for checking out sites without ad interruption.
- A completely free browser tool and extension
- Blocks out most ads that are going to annoy you
- Simple, quick, and easy installation in every browser
- Some ads still manage to make it through
- The tool allows certain ads to go through intentionally